Tofa Vavae Timothy Toma
On early morning Monday 9th May, I received the news on a facebook message from Flo Sa'aga that Vavae Timothy my nephew passed away in Samoa. It was very sad news but it was all true. Early Sunday morning of Mother's Day in Samoa, Vavae said "Happy Mother's Day" to his mother Taumuafa Salesa Toma and shortly afterwards he breathed his last breath.I spent the whole day and night and next day and night in disbelief. Somehow I managed to come to my senses after reading heaps of facebook messages from families and friends of Vavae bidding him farewell and booked a flight to Samoa. But before I left I had studied what Vavae was saying on fb in the last two months of his life. What I read was of someone heading somewhere and he felt he was prepared for the different heavenly journey he was about to undertake. How beautiful it is to know that in his last few days on earth Vavae knew and wrote about his change of direction. He says " I am no longer the person I used to be because of You.." His last moments was with his Maker. Rest in Peace Vavae Timothy Toma, my nephew. The Lord Our Shepherd will look after your Mum, your sister Leta and your brother Pose. Manuia lau malaga Vavae. Your dad and all your family up there will hold a party for you on your arrival. Tofa loa.