Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Tribute to Kim Carruthers Va'ai

You have found peace this week, Kim. It is so sad for Kolone and your beautiful children, and your Mum, dad, sisters, brothers, family and friends.

Reality is, you have finally found a beautiful place of peace, calm, serenity...softly flowing waters..moist green and lush forests..away from the hustle and bustle of earth life...something which unknown to all of us you must have longed for..They call it HEAVEN!

Lucky are there already. I remember my father, Murphy, you were there with us the day we said goodbye as he departed on his journey to HEAVEN. He's the guy who described it as a beautiful resting place. For he once went there but was rejected and they let him back on Earth. It was only after many applications to the Angel Gabriel that he was finally allowed to go. But you Kim, you are in the beautiful place...HEAVEN

Thank you for all the goodness you have left behind.

Kolone, and Children, Audrey, June, Annie,Gary, and all the family. It is so sad. SHE was such a beautiful, wife, mother, daughter, sister, she is no longer with us.
May the Lord bless you and keep you and comfort you in this your hour of loss.

May you be comforted in the knowledge of where she is that she has longed to be.

So long Kim..

Great knowing you

I may not make it there..

So long..


Thursday, October 23, 2008

Global financial crisis

According to the experienced watchdogs of the globalisation of neoliberalism and market economy, this financial crisis was going to happen! So could it be a cop out from solving global poverty and climate change? This is what I think anyway.

There is no ethics in all this.

Watch out - the poor, the least developed, and developing nations and all the honest tax payers around the world! It will not be us that gets rescued for sure.

All the best to the anti-globalization activists and Susan George of Trans National Institute and all her supporters around the world.