Thursday, January 28, 2010

Palota Mo se Itu Tete'e

Letter published Samoa observer 29/01/10


Lau Susuga a le Fa’atonu,

O la’u tali lenei i le tusitusiga a Mataa’fa Keni Lesa tusia i le gagana Peretania (23-01-10) ma e fa’aulutalaina ‘Defying the political grain or stupidity’. Ou te fa’a-Samoaina ‘O le totoina ‘ea o se fatu fou fa’aupufai mo Samoa, po o se tonu ua faia ma le leai o se fa’autaga loloto?’(le taliaina e Lealapule ma Palusalue o le a fa’avanoa loa o la nofoa i le Palemene ona o le tulafono fou e le mafai ona sui i se isi pati se i vagana ona ua toe fai se palota I o la itumalo).

Ou te fa’amalo atu i ali’i Faipule e to’alua o Lealailepule ma Palusalue. Fa’afetai le lotonu’u. Fa’afetai le loto alofa.

O le maliega maumaututu ua faia e nei ali’i faipule e to’alua, ose tulaga ‘auro fa’a-Iesu. Silasila fo’i, o le o ‘ese o nisi o ali’i faipule mai le itu a le Palemia pei ona sa tupu i le amataga o le 2009 o se avanoa auro lea mo le fa’atuina o se Itu Tete’e i totonu o le Palemene. O se avanoa mo’omia tele lea e Samoa ma ona tulaga fa’aupufai fa’ale-Malo ina ia puipuia ai le pulega o tagata mai pulega ou te fa’atusaina o pulega fa’a-Hitila po o pulega fa’ale-Malo e fa’agaloina ai le mamalu o le atunu’u ona o ni fa’atosina fa’ale-tagata.

A e peitai, o lenei avanoa fa’a-auro ua le faigofie ona maua talu ai le tulafono ua tula’i mai nei e ‘ave’ese ai le nofoa o so o se sui o le Palemene ua mana’o e fai ma sui o se isi pati i totonu o le Palemene. O lona uiga o le tulafono fou ua pei o se pulu fana ua na fanaina ai le avanoa auro mo le paleni o felafolafoa’iga ma faiga-tulafono i totonu o le Palemene.O le fa’atinoina o le tulafono fou o le ala lea o le a toe faia ai ni palota i itumalo ua to’esea o latou sui mai totonu o le palemene e pei o itumalo palota o Lealailepule ma le itumalo palota o Palusalue.

O le maliega ua faia e afiogaiI ali’i faipule e to’alua, o se la valaa’u fo’i leaiI le mamalu o le atunu’u ina ia mataalaiI faiga fa’aupufai a se itu e tasi nate pulea le atunu’u o Samoa. Ua pei o se la vala’au ma taulogologo atu ina ia nofouta i pulega fa’aitu tasi i totonu o Samoa. O le iai o se itu tete’e i totonu o le Palemene , o le iai fo’i lea o se leo o le mamalu o le lautele o Samoa nate tu’ufesili le Malo i ana tonu mo le silafia e le mamalu. O se fa’ata’ita’iga o sea leo o le tu’ufesili a le sui o Gagaemauga Numera 2 le Ali’I Faipule o Levaopolo Talatonu pei ona i le tusitusiga a Marieta Ilalio (Sundaysamoan 24-01-2010) e fa’aulutala ‘Relief funds will be misused:MP) po o i le fa’aSamoa – ‘O le a le moni le fa’aaogaina o fesoasoani tupe na tau’a’aoina mo le sunami’ Na ta’uina mai e Ilalio, sa tu’ufesili Levaopolo ona o se lipoti tusitusia na ia maitau ai e ‘ese fesoasoani na tolaulauina i e fia maua le fesoasoani ‘ese le fesoasoani ua fa’apepaina e le Malo.

I le taimi nei ma le tulaga ua iai si o tatou atunu’u o Samoa i le lalolagi, ua lamatia le soifua o Samoa e matagi malolosi mai fafo. O matagi malolosi o le fa’aletonu o le tulaga tau tupe i le lalolagi(global financial crisis); o matagi malolosi ona o le leai o se maliega i malo o le lalolagi ina ia fa’aititia le vevela i le si’osi’omaga ua a’afia uma ai le soifua lelei o tagata (climate change); o matagi leaga o le su’e tupe o tagata ua fai ai ma pisinisi le fe’avea’i fa’anana o tagata e to’atele (people smuggling); o matagi leaga o le fe’avea’i fa’anana o fuala’au fa’saina mai lea atunu’u i lea atunu’u(illegal drug smuggling); ma isi mau matagi o lo o fa’ailoaina mai e le pepa lenei o le Samoa Observer i masina pe ono ua tuana’i. E tatau ai ona mamao le tofa ma loloto le fa’autaga i e latou te ta’ita’i Samoa I le lumana’i ina ia muamua le fa’amalosiina ma le mautu ole fa’avae o le puleaina o Samoa. Ua onomea ai ma o se mea tatau le tatou fa’amautuina muamua o le Palemene o Samoa.

O la’u tatalo ina ia loloto le fa’autaga i le mamalu o le au palota ina ia amana’ia i lau filifiliga ni sui e agava’a i le fa’a-Iesu i totonu o le Palemene o Samoa.

Ia manuia lava Samoa

Ma lo’u fa’aaloalo lava,

Meripa Weir ( Fiafia e tautua mai vasa mo Samoa)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Vote 'No' To One-Party State

Letter published Samoa Observer Tuesday 26-01-2010


Dear Editor,

Here is my response to the editorial (23-01-10) “Defying the political grain or stupidity’ by Mata’afa Keni Lesa.

Hooray for MPs Lealailepule and Palusalue! Fa’afetai le lotonu’u. Fa’afetai le alofa.

Their deliberate choice to stay with the Tautua Party and re-run in by-elections is truly an honourable act. They are defending the only chance left for a people's opposition voice in Parliament. By their act they are calling all voters to wake up to the dangers of a ONE PARTY STATE

For the "almost" new prohibition law claimed by Tuilaepa's government to ensure integrity in the political parties (what political parties?), is used as a weapon to kill the only chance for a most needed second political party or a peoples' representative who can demand without reservation, transparency and responsibility of policies by government. This is exactly what Levaopolo Talatonu MP for Gagaemauga No 2 did on behalf of the people in Parliament (See SundaySamoan 24-01-2010 ‘Relief Funds will be Misused: MP’ by Marieta Heidi Ilalio). When MP Levaopolo questioned the government in Parliament about inconsistencies in the allocation of Tsunami funds he was speaking as a member of the Tautua Party. He was demanding on behalf of the people that government be transparent and tell the people what is going on.

Samoa's survival is being threatened in all corners by major global forces. This paper gave coverage of the reality of such forces over the last six months.

Samoa must be prepared to weather the global storms by strengthening its domestic foundations. The institution of Parliament is the right place to start.

The voters must know how their government is making decisions on their behalf. It is a crucial element of democratic political processes.

I pray that voters understand the significance of making an honest informed vote – one that will acknowledge men of principle.

Ma lo’u fa’aaloalo lava,

Meripa Weir (Keen Samoan Watcher from Abroad

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The silent Epidemic

Letter published Samoa Observer 18/01/10

The Silent Epidemic

I thank the Samoa Observer for the Editorial (11.01.10) – ‘Samoa cannot expect to be immune from the drugs menace’ by Russell Hunter.

Yes indeed another global threat!
The illegal drug trade that is silently invading Samoa is unstoppable in both developed and developing countries. It should therefore be given top priority in Samoa in order to save our future generations from its deadening, costly resource- draining consequences.
Commenting from a perspective of living in Australia for the last thirty years, and several decades working in the health care services, I can say that the enormous destruction to young people (the blind victims who then continue as adult customers of the trade), the suffering of families involved, the use of services e.g. hospital emergencies, police and prisons, courts/ legal, mental health, are all too common and never ending.
A study published in January 2010, reports on forensic pathologists findings of sudden deaths now linked to abuse of illicit drugs especially cocaine. Post mortems reveal evidence of cardiac and brain damage/changes.
The link between marijuana and the development of schizophrenia is already evidenced in many of our island drug abuse sufferers.

Whilst the profits from the illegal drug trade amounts to billions of dollars, those that benefit care nothing about our future generations in the islands.

Samoa’s priority is to stop supply entering the islands thus severing the link to the global trade. Find and destroy any illegal crops that have found their way to Samoan soil. Be alert to the symptoms of drug abuse. Be aware that custodial confinement is not a deterrent.
Education, and a cooperative island approach between government, church, village system and non-government groups is yet to be trialled to the full extent.

Ma le fa’aaloalo lava,

Meripa Weir

Sunday, January 10, 2010

People smuggling

Is it true that Samoa may have had a hand (a corrupt one) in the smugglimg of people from Asia to American Samoa? How sad if it is true but it has not come as a surprise. Any illegal undertaking utilising the global open market is bound to reach and influence Samoa. If illicit drug trafficking can occur targetting anywhere including the islands and make a ridiculous global profit of round $US320b (March 2008) then for the same reason people smuggling can be attractive to corrupt people in the islands who have been wooed by the $ sign.

Lets hope it is not true.

Friday, January 01, 2010

Welcome 2010

Dear family

A time to thank God for seeing us through 2009 and to ask His stewardship in our 2010 journey.
Thanks to those of our family for getting together at Green Bank last night to celebrate the New year.
Our prayers are that our family here in Brisbane/ Queensland and around the world will have a safe and blessed journey during 2010.

Love to you all

Meripa and David