Friday, February 27, 2009

Farewell Uncle Aeo'ainu'u Mua'ausa Uatisone Poka

I received word that you breathed your last breath not long after 1a.m this Friday 26 February 2009 - at home in Your mother's village, Sapapali'i, in the greater Samoan island of Savai'i.
It sounds like there was "no fuss" in your departure from this life.. slipped fuss..just like in life..quietly with no fuss.
I remember you as the uncle whose presence stood out in time of family sorrow.
My mother Avai'a passed away in were there.
My brother Toma passed away 2002...You were there.
My father Vavae Toma passed away were there.
Aunty Perise passed away... you were there.
Uncle Polutea Kapeteni passed were there
I know that your presence at many many other similar occasions
held lasting significance for all of us who are still learning the art of valuing family and family love.
You have been the champion of demonstrating 'family love' as you quietly conducted your duties as the matai of the Muaausa-Aeoainu'u-Malietoa family.

Thank you Uncle Mua'ausa. Manuia lau malaga.


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Time to re-regulate markets

It is time to stop capitalism "cannibalising itself" as a result of the current global financial crisis, declares Kevin Rudd, Australia's prime minister.

" The time has come, off the back of the current crisis, to proclaim that the great neo-liberal experiment of the past 30 years has failed, that the emperor has no clothes, " says Mr Rudd.

Source: Dennis Shanahan, Political editor, THE AUSTRALIAN, jan 31 2009 report on Kevin Rudd's essay on the current financial crisis.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Bushfire in Victoria since Saturday 7th Feb 2009

So far, 166 have been killed and many homes and property destroyed. It is estimated that those died may reach over 200. Australia is mourning the loss of many lives.
Our prayers for all those families and communities affected. May the fire fighters and all the services attending to those in need stay strong and protected from the risks involved in saving lives.

Our thoughts are with you all the families and communities affected. May God bless you all at these times of sorrow.

Talofa e, i le to'atele ua maliliu ona o le fa'afitauli i tagata e amataina nei mu. O le fesili pe aisea ua le maua ai se fofo o lenei fa'afitauli. E aliali mai i tusitusiga, o tagata nei e amataina ona susunu vaomatua, o ni tagata e mama'i i le mafaufau (mental illness). Pe aisea ua le maua ai se togafiti mo nei tagata? Ua tatau ona fa'aalu ni tupe a malo o le lalolagi e fai su'esu'ega ma sa'ili ni togafiti mo nei tagata ina ia 'aua le fa'asa'olotoina e fa'atino o latou mana'oga valea ma le le alofa.

Talosia su'esu'ega o le a feagai ma le Komisi ua tofia, ina ia maua ni tali o nei fa'afitauli matuia ua afaina ai le soifua o tagata e to'atele.