Wednesday, February 09, 2011

The world continue to fail Jesus

We are called to "love one another". Yet what is happening in the world today even in the countries we currently live - demonstrates our failure to love as Jesus asks of us.
The current global shortage of food and water which will worsen, is caused by the unrelenting drive for economic growth despite increasing poverty it brings. Additionally, different parts of the world are experiencing drastic effects of global warming; yet, policy planners continue to support growth, growth, growth as good policy whilst corporations and oil companies continue to dig for oil despite the fact that there is now a shortage of oil. How dangerous will the effects of global warming increase before the deniers of climate change start to open their eyes to the misery created by their greed?
Is it too much to expect of churches and church goers to speak up in their countries about this failure of the world to carry out Jesus's call to love as God loves the world?. Or are we all hypocrites?

Lord, give us the courage to speak up about our failure to really love one another in this world that we live. Guide us to counter the unrelenting control and greed for economic growth that is causing so much poverty and misery in human lives around the world. Give us the faith like you gave David to fight the Goliaths in our world. Forgive us for creating the mess our world is experiencing now. We praise you our Lord and Almighty Power - AMEN


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