Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Entering the Sixth Decade

Many thanks to my dear family in Brissyland for coming together on Sunday 9 August to celebrate my reaching the big 60. It's a great feeling to be surrounded by family especially "the little ones" - they are very precious, they are also the future of family.
My thanks also to my family in Samoa for the special toast.Apparently they sang "Happy birthday to Meripa and Masina..." during a celebratory to'ona'i at Vaivasetai with Aunty Joce Poka Toma and all her family who were in Samoa for the occasion of affixing the headstone on the grave of Uncle Aeoainu'u Muaausa Uatisone Poka Toma who passed away early this year.
My prayer at being 60 is that we continue to love one another and be guided by the 'faith in Jesus' that our parents, grandparents and their parents had lived and passed on to us.
I also pray that the world of the future will be safer for the little ones to live and that leaders of the world now will take this as an urgent priority for our little ones sake.
Thanks for all your love and support.
Keep on "sticking to Jesus" in Samoan Tumau pea ia Iesu lo tatou Fa'aola.

God Bless
and lots of alofas



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