Monday, August 09, 2010

A Candle for Justin

As the candlelight vigil planned on 'mental health' that we were supposed to attend is not on due to the rain, David and I will burn a candle tonight for our son Justin.
The message we were going to give at the vigil is that politicians in this country ought to wake up to the urgency of mental health problems that is having a crippling effect on Australians of all ages.
As our loved one is a victim of drug related mental health problems, we have experienced the pain and suffering associated with incarceration,without appropriate therapy for underlying addiction. We have sat through many court appearances but the worse thing is the struggles by the mentally ill 'loved one' to make a life back in the community. With mental health problem at an advanced stage, complications suffered because of medication therapy for severe depression and psychosis, attempts to commit suicide are the norm.
We agree with the thinking that illicit drugs must be treated as a mental health issue and this ought to lead to early mental health interventions at school age, teenage, young adult and immediate post school years which are at risk and vulnerable periods of a person's life. We believe if there was appropriate services available to respond to underlying problems that drives a young person to find solace in illegal drugs, then our son may have been prevented from sliding down the road to "hell".
There need to be positive a comprehensive approach to respond to care for the person totally. This is difficult to achieve by the current medical/psychiatric model.
Whilst we could identify with the pain and suffering of loved ones and their families as shown by the ABC Four Corners program titled "Hidden Voices" Monday 9/8/10, we felt the problem of drug related mental health problems was not addressed and therefore early interventions that do not embrace the illicit drug issue is bound to fail the younger population of Australions.
We believe that illicit drugs must be treated as a mental health issue in this country and anywhere around the world.
If australia wants a healthy workforce to build its future, then the issue of mental health must be given the same weight as physical health. This is the best way to ensure Australia's future. Mental health is a priority NOW!
we burn our candle tonite to remember thousands of families who have lost loved ones because of mental health problems. We burn our candle tonite to acknowledge the many thousands of families suffering the pain of 'a loved one' with a mental illness. We burn our candle tonite for a more compassionate response by politicians. We burn our candle tonite for our son who is suffering the pain of being mentally ill.
We pray that God will keep him safe and help him to look for solace in God's Grace.



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